Antonio Barceló, our
Expansion Manager in Spain,
in the factory Dulces La Americana in Bogotá.
According to economics data, the growth of GDP was 4% in 2012, and inflation 2,44% at the same time. During that year four sectors grew more than 4%. These were the strip mining processes and quarries, which includes oil and coal, with a grow of 5,9%; the financial establishments sector, insurance and services to companies with a growth of 5,5%; the social, communal and personal services sector with a growth of 4,9%; trade, hotels and restaurants sector grew 4,1%. The transport and communications sector grew at the same pace that the economic average, 4%.
In 2014 is expected that the economy grows 5,0%. On the other hand, the factors that limit the growth are the deficient infrastructure, inequality of income distribution and internal conflicts.
The tourism development in the country is an original phase. There are needed many infrastructures like roads, airports and quality hotel development, according to potentials of the country in this area, which are very important. The number of the tourist that came to the country in 2012 represented an increase of 7,0% of the total number of tourists during 2011. We can emphasize the figure of editorial sector and what concerns of consultancy and engineering services, and technologic transfer associated in the last years.
Spanish exportations to Colombia increases 10,6% during 2012 and it is expected that continue growing. Respect to the imports proceeding from EU, Spain is kept in a fourth place after Germany, France and Italy.
The interesting sectors for exporting companies of Spain are:
-The exports of engineering services, and all the related with the infrastructures sector.
-Equipment for the mining and oil industry.
-Capital goods for the local industry.
-Agro-food and consumer products orientated to middle and low class, its expected an important economic growth of the internal demand.
-The sector of franchises in Colombia is living an important growth and we can see Spanish companies with presence on the market. Recently, has increases the interest of the Spanish small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for the Colombian market.
The agreement reached between Colombia, Peru and Spain provides a total exchanges liberation of industrial and fishing products. The framework that support the commercial relations between UE and Colombia is reflected in the framework of Cooperation agreement in 1993 UE-CAN, which both parts give a treat of most favoured nation (MFN).
Globalider guides you on the way to the internationalization.
Mabel Santander
International Consultant
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